I have been a professional writer for four decades, producing technical and marketing materials for engineers, architects, and other professionals. My approach to all projects is:
Listen and learn from my client about the topics to be covered and the audiences to whom we will communicate.
Work with my client to plan content, delivery methods, and the draft-and-review process.
Work with my client as we go through the agreed-upon draft-and-review process to create the planned communication products.
Work experience
Presented more than 30 lectures and courses on the history of architecture for universities, art museums, and arts associations.
Planned and led more than 60 architecture tours in the Midwest and in Europe.
Editor-in-chief of www.MinneapolisHistorical.org, an online guide to historic architecture.
Recipient of 2021 Steve Murray Lifetime Achievement Award from Minneapolis Preservation Awards.
Wrote more than 100 articles published in magazines, professional journals, newsletters, and websites.
Wrote or edited business proposals that have won clients more than $600 million in projects.
Wrote scripts for, and in many cases also produced, more than 40 training and marketing videos.
Wrote user documentation (paper and online) for more than a dozen medical and computer software products.
Planned and wrote materials for more than a dozen sales, marketing, and technical training courses.
Presented more than 1,000 1-day and 2-day business writing and technical writing seminars in the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong.
Wrote copy for dozens of advertisements.
Wrote and designed dozens of brochures and marketing materials.
Developed engineering documentation control systems for two high-tech companies.